[at092] Paco Arráez - Infinit

Date of release: 15.01.2019 
Format: FILE - MP3 / WAV 
Length: 49:00 min 
Artwork: Audiotalaia / José Venditti





«de um simples sopro

nasce a vontade de mergulhar no infinito.

primeiro um passo em sussurro

depois uma descida aos infernos e ao núcleo da existência.

sorrateiramente como embrião primeiro

o peixe de onde emanam os anfíbios, viaja-se calmamente

entre o profundo conhecimento de uma dor radical

e o desejo intrínseco de sucumbir às paixões

é hora de adormecer, voltar à terra,

revestir-se de cores primárias

escolher um novo sopro

e encontrar os estalidos que o corpo faz

de cada vez que acordas.»

João Sousa


"Infinit" by Paco Arráez is one of those albums that rise from a very personal pulse and specific need at certain moments of your live. The six tracks forming this muffled joint of electronic soundscapes are part of a intensive workflow in which playfulness, intuition and a sense of letting-it-go cover the overall length of the album.

Arráez, on a very moody season of the year enclosed himself into the studio and cuddled in sound assembled this multi-layered tapestry of atmospheres, states and spaces drawn by sound, effects and distant sonic objects.

Sometimes what might seem like a very compelling personal experience can transcend the on-your-own-ness and become something enjoyable for a wider audience. Beyond what you did that day, and the cathartic need to get lost in sound, there is always a foot on the ground and the necessity of sharing with other ears. "Infinit" is a good example of that.



01. Nucleus
02. Hombre Pez - Ambar Negro
03. Vglis
04. Le Voyage
05. Nana
06. Ambar Succino


All music, composed, mixed and recorded by Paco Arráez.

This work is protected under a Creative Commons License 4.0 Share-Alike.