Summer Camp / El Polell 2019


This is the release page of the outcome of the 9 days workshop "Audiotalaia Summer Camp" held at El Polell, Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Montseny, Catalunya. between the 12th and the 21st of July 2019. The works are the result of various exercises proposed by Edu Comelles and the outcome is the what remained of different collective processes taking place within various groups of participants at the Summer Camp. 

Very short premises where stablished for the exercises giving a big amount of creative freedom and the right amount of constriction. Final presentations open to the public are also featured in this album. These are works done collectively and without creative or technical restrictions. 


All works done collectively by Diego Bermudez Chamberland, Menczel Robert, Lluis Surós, Benn Malca, Luca Grappi, Lianne van Roekel, Birgit van der Knaap, Ruari F Green, Djuna Lund Llopis, Ambe-Zoe Cheesman, Ryan Woods, Saskia Singer, Chrystine Rayburn, Marquis' McGee and Geoff Gersh.

Photos and video by Sara Galán & Edu Comelles.

First Exercise / Composition.

Five different compositions done only with field recordings, found objects and soundscapes from the surrounding area.


Second Exercise / Installation.

Totem Installation - Djuna Llopis, Birgit Van Der Knaap & Luca Grappi
Site-Specific Installation. Transducer speakers and wood log


Way Out / Way In - Lianne Van Roekel, Geoff Gersh & Benn Malca
Site-specific Installation. 8 Portable DiY speakers.


Fountain Installation - Rory Green, Chrystine Rayburn & Lluís Surós
Site-Specific sound installation. 8 portable speaker array, dripping water, lights.


Rocks Have Ears - Marquis' McGee, Diego Bermúdez-Chamberland & Ryan Woods.
Site-Specific sound installation. 4 portable speaker site-specific installation.


Displaced - Saskia Singer, Robert Menczel & Amber-Zöe Cheesman
Site-Specific Sound Installation. 4 Portable Speakers and Laptop Screens.


Third Exercise / Concerts.


Presentation Day.

Entrada - Benn Malca
Site-Specific sound installation. 2 portable speakers, microphones and feedback.


Quatre Miniatures - Robert Menczel, Chrystine Rayburn, Diego Bermúdez-Chamberland
Site-Specific sound installation. Portable speakers, pedal, lighting.


Esbarjo - Rory Green, Saskia Singer, Lluís Surós.
Interactive sound installation. Portable speakers, sensors, software.


Ataraxia - Djuna Llopis, Marquis McGee, Ryan Woods.
Bone induction sound composition. A piece to be heard through physical contact between two people.


La Història que Resta - Djuna Llopis, Marquis McGee, Ryan Woods.
Headphones composition and field recordings.


Stringed - Lianne Van Roekel and Birgit Van der Knaap
Contact microphones, wire structure and amplifier.


Final Concert - Luca Grappi, Geoff Gersh and Ambe-Zoe Cheesman. 

Conducted by Sara Galán.

Performed by Diego Bermudez Chamberland, Menczel Robert, Lluis Surós, Luca Grappi, Lianne van Roekel, Birgit van der Knaap, Ruari F Green, Djuna Lund Llopis, Ambe-Zoe Cheesman, Ryan Woods, Saskia Singer, Chrystine Rayburn, Marquis' McGee and Geoff Gersh.

