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Méryll Ampe is always working on the physical dimensionality of sound, or on its sculpturisation either live or recorded as an album, as she presents now. The four tracks where fracture, disruption, timber transformations, clashes of textures and the de-composition of noises are the main characters. The constant fracture of the plane, the acceleration and de-acceleration of almost industrial ambiences pushes you deep into a unknown and unexplored sonic terrain: 100% personal and unattainable. It's a scalpel directly operating without anesthesia in your inner ear.
A big amount of this sonic sculpture, chopped into a thousand pieces, sits on top of a premeditated process of frequency oxidation, and the metalic sonority that one breaths in throughout the four tracks that compose "Void If Removed". "Vertigo" is specially full of tension and sharpen edges along its almost 9 minutes, after that, through "Odessa" we roll down an ambient tunnel ...
01. 325
02. Vertigo
03. Odessa
04. Forge
All tracks recorded, produced and arranged by Méryll Ampe. 2015-16.
Siempre trabajando en la dimensionalidad física y palpable del sonido, en la esculturización del mismo tanto en grabaciones como en concierto, Méryll Ampe (París, Francia) presenta en este nuevo trabajo cuatro piezas en las que la fractura, la rotura, la descomposición del ruido a través de procesos de transformación de timbres y choques de texturas, son los protagonistas absolutos. Esa constante ruptura de planos y la aceleración y desaceleración de ambientes casi industriales, consigue transportar sónicamente al oyente hacia un territorio desconocido e inexplorado: 100% personal e inabarcable. Es un bisturí operando directamente y sin anestesia en el interior del oído.
Buena parte de esta compleja escultura sonora, que se trocea en mil pedazos y al momento se vuelve a recomponer, se asienta en esa premeditada oxidación de frecuencias y en la metálica sonoridad que se respira en los cuatro temas que componen “Void If Removed”, especialmente dotada de tensión y aristas afiladas en los casi nueve minutos de “Vertigo”, del mismo modo que a continuación se vuelve un túnel ambiental en “Odessa”…
Conocí personalmente a Méryll en 2013 y desde entonces hemos tenido entre ambos una conexión muy especial, hasta llevarnos a compartir experiencias y sonidos con total complicidad. Desde el principio supe que estaba ante una artista de primerísimo nivel y el tiempo no ha hecho más que confirmar lo que entonces adiviné. Méryll es de las grandes, muy grande. Y este nuevo trabajo es posiblemente su mejor obra hasta la fecha, teniendo en cuenta las muchas que están por venir.
Texto: Javier Piñango
Méryll Ampe is always working on the physical dimensionality of sound, or on its sculpturisation either live or recorded as an album, as she presents now. The four tracks where fracture, disruption, timber transformations, clashes of textures and the de-composition of noises are the main characters. The constant fracture of the plane, the acceleration and de-acceleration of almost industrial ambiences pushes you deep into a unknown and unexplored sonic terrain: 100% personal and unattainable. It's a scalpel directly operating without anesthesia in your inner ear.
A big amount of this sonic sculpture, chopped into a thousand pieces, sits on top of a premeditated process of frequency oxidation, and the metalic sonority that one breaths in throughout the four tracks that compose "Void If Removed". "Vertigo" is specially full of tension and sharpen edges along its almost 9 minutes, after that, through "Odessa" we roll down an ambient tunnel ...
I met Méryll personally in 2013, since then, a very special connection happened. We shared experiences and sounds in total complicity. Since the beginning I knew I was in front of a top artist and time has just confirmed that to me. Méryll is one of the great ones. And this new work of her might be its best until the date, considering what's to come.
Text by: Javier Piñango
01. 325
02. Vertigo
03. Odessa
04. Forge
All tracks recorded, produced and arranged by Méryll Ampe. 2015-16.
"An intense, complex collection of electronic noise compositions, with crisp sounds and inventive arrangements."
C. Reider / Vuzh Music
"An intense, complex collection of electronic noise compositions, with crisp sounds and inventive arrangements."
C. Reider / Vuzh Music
Void If Removed by Méryll Ampe is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License. Creado a partir de la obra en http://www.audiotalaia.net/2016/11/at083-meryll-ampe-void-if-removed.html.